Fédération québécoise des échecs
Fédération québécoise des échecs
Fédération québécoise des échecs

COQ 2005 English version

The Quebec Chess Federation (FQE) and the Montreal Just For Play Festival invite you to take part in the

2005 Quebec Open Championship

10 000 $ in guaranted prizes

at the Cégep du Vieux-Montréal
255 Ontario St. East, Montréal

NEW - Two schedules
Schedule 1 (2 weekends) : July 15-16-17 and 22-23-24, 2005
Schedule 2 (8 consecutive days): july 17 to 24, 2005

4 sections
Championship - 2000 and over* / Advanced – Under 2000
Intermediate – Under 1700 / Amateur – Under 1400 and unrated

ENTRY FEES (GST & PST included) :
Championship 100$ Entry Fees Paid GM/IM : Free FM: 50% discount
-2000 75$ Before May 1st 10$ reduction 50% discount for certified Masters and FM
-1700 70$ after June 1st 10$ more Maximum late penalty for Unrated Players : $10
-1400 60$ after July 1st 20$ more Maximum late penalty for those buying their FQE card - $20
-1200 & Unrated 40$ at registration 15/17 $30 more

Entry fees are the same for both schedules. Players who wants to re-register in the tournament should do it no later than 18/07 4:30 p.m to 5:30 p.m. Fees of 35$ will be charge for re-registration. *Championship section is only available in schedule 2.

Price Champ. Advanced Intermediate Amateur
2000+ -2000 -1700 -1400 & S/C
1er 1500$ 600$ 400$ 300$
2e 1000$ 400$ 300$ 200$
3e 600$ 300$ 200$ 125$
4e 400$ 250$ 150$ 75$
5e 300$ 150$ 100$
6e 200$
7e 200$
-2200 -1800 -1500 -1200
1er 300$ 300$ 200$ 125$
2e 200$ 200$ 100$ 75$
-2100 200$ 100$
1er 275$
2e 175$

Unrated players can not win more than $75 and are not eligible for Class Prizes. font>

TIME CONTROL & SCHEDULE: 40 moves/2h, 1h/mate. Opening Cocktail - Friday 15/07 4 p.m to 5 p.m. Registration: 15/07 5:30 p.m to 6 :30 p.m. Schedule 1: 15/07 round 1 at 7 p.m; 16-17/07 roundes 2 to 5 11 a.m and 6 p.m; 22/07 round 6 at 6 p.m; 23/07 rounds 7 and 8 11 a.m and 6 p.m; 24/07 round 9 at 9:30 a.m. Registration: 17/07 4:30 p.m to 5:30 p.m; 18/07 4 :30 p.m to 5 :30 p.m. Program 2: 17 to 22/07 rounds 1 to 6 6 p.m; 23/07 rounds 7 and 8 11 a.m and 6 p.m; 24/07 round 9 at 9:30 a.m. Closing Cocktail - Sunday 24/07 4 p.m to 5 p.m.

Rating: Championship section is rated CFC, FQE and FIDE. These ratings are treated equally. Ratings to be used are those on July 1st, 2005. Players residing outside of Quebec pay only $10 for an FQE Tournament Card. Administrative Fees of $15 will be charged to those who withdraw before the start of the tournament. No refunds once the event has begun. A player with a rating indicator which is more than 100 points above the rating definition of a section is not eligible for the prizes in that section. "Bye" (1/2 point) are only available for the first 5 rounds.

Mail your entry no later than July 8, 2005 with a cheque made payable to the FQE, PO Box 1000, Station “M”, Montreal, QC. H1V 3R2. It is also possible to register at the Strategy Games Shops in Montreal (Tel 514-845-8352) no later than July 14. Info (514) 252-3034 or (514) 845-8352. No telephone entries accepted.

Lodging at an affordable price:

This is a very busy time in Montreal with the Just For Laughs Comedy Festival drawing huge crowds. Even University dorms fill up fast! In order to avoid disappointment, please book early.

McGill University
Student dorms located less than a 15 minute walk from the site. Special weekly rates for those with a student card. Daily rate is $45 plus taxes, single occupancy. Weekly rate is $270. Reservations: (514) 398-6367.

University of Montréal
Student dorms located within a 30 minute subway ride to the site. $35.86 + taxes per night or $215.16 per week/single occupancy. 1 double bed - $46.51 per night or $279.06 per week.Reservations: (514) 343-6531 or www.resid.umontreal.ca

Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf
Student dorms located within a 30 minute subway ride to the site. Weekly or daily rates available. $30 taxe included/single, $45 double occupancy; $150 single/ $225 double for a week. Reservations (514) 342-9342, ext 5236.

Download : Registration form COQ 2005

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